Play a brass instrument? Join us in the back row!
Do you play a brass instrument – the trumpet, tuba, trombone, euphonium or horn? And have you been thinking “I’d like to join a band near me in Bournemouth?” Well, look no further. We have some vacancies in our brass section.

Our brass players having a break at rehearsal
Some of our brass musicians let us into the secrets of the back row and what life is like playing in the Bournemouth and District Concert Band…
Horn player Lucy says:
“Before moving to Bournemouth I had always played in brass bands, so joining BDCB gave me the opportunity the play in a different setting. I enjoy the variety of music we play and hearing pieces develop as we rehearse.”
Ben joined us recently and says:
“The music is good, our conductor is enthusiastic and the band is really friendly.”
Trombone player Kim tells us more:
“Why join the back row? To put it simply, we are a very mixed bunch who work very hard, while having lots of fun.”
Kim joined the band to play trombone about four years ago which was quite a big step as she is used to playing a stringed instrument in ensembles. Kim says: “The whole band encouraged me. I survived my first concert and quite enjoyed the experience. I can now play so much more than I could at first and on most occasions I can hold my own. It helps that the man at the front, our conductor, Simon, is also a trombone player… we get lots of favouritism from him!”

Some of our brass players standing in front of Bournemouth bandstand after a summer concert. Photo: @andrew_potter_photography
Kim plays alongside some players who are grade 8+ and have played in concert and brass bands for many years.
“The band is made up of more than 50 members of all ages from 14 to 70+ and we work across many different professions. We play several concerts a year in various venues. In the summer we play at fetes, yacht clubs and various bandstands, so there is plenty to work towards and keep you busy.
“As well as making music we have several socials a year and we go to the pub after rehearsal once a month. Rehearsals always include a coffee break and occasionally cake! I understand that our committee runs on cake!
“The back row of the band consists of horns, euphoniums, trumpets, tubas and trombones. We have a growing brass section and we would love to have more brass players – the more the merrier.”
So brass players, here’s Kim’s challenge to you… “Why not come and give us a try as I did four years ago? Some of the band travel from as far away as Weymouth and Salisbury, so don’t make an excuse. Just come and try us out… you won’t be disappointed! I have learnt a new skill, made many new friends and have had lots of laughs along the way.”
Come along to a band rehearsal
We don’t ask for a specific grade but we recommend you’re around Grade 5+ or equivalent and ideally you’ll have some experience playing in a band.
Email Sue (our band Chair) to let us know you’re interested and we can arrange for you to come along to some rehearsals to get a flavour of what we’re like. There’s no pressure to join – you can try us out first.
Rehearsals are on a Thursday evening from 7:30pm to 9:30pm at Queen’s Park Infant Academy in Bournemouth.
By Kim on trombone and Lucy on horn